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Discover how Marjan de Visser investigated ‘Spring Garden’ by Vincent van Gogh after the theft, as reported by the press



Marjan de Visser

Marjan de Visser  likes to share her knowledge of painting restoration and her love for heritage with others. After all, a well-restored painting is of great value to those who own and cherish it. Marjan discovers the stories behind the painting while talking and explaining to the owner.

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Marjan de Visser

Marjan de Visser  likes to share her knowledge of painting restoration and her love for heritage with others. After all, a well-restored painting is of great value to those who own and cherish it. Marjan discovers the stories behind the painting while talking and explaining to the owner.

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Our Services

Take a look to our conservation and restoration services in the studio, such as : cleaning painting, removing varnish, dust removal, retouching paintings, lining paintings, mist lining, tear mending, and more.


Cleaning paintings is an important treatment in painting restoration. A dirty painting is not attractive …

removing varnish
from a painting

Removing varnish from a painting is a very delicate operation. Before the conservator Marjan de Visser …


Cleaning the back of the painting is just as important as the front. Here you will always find a lot of …


Retouching is the act of filling in a gap in the paint layer. It is a treatment that falls under …


The term ‘llining paintings’ stands for adding extra ‘textile support’ behind a painting. Of course only if the …

mist lining using
low pressure

The installation required for a mist lining using low-pressure technique is low-tech and easy to make yourself…

tear mending
a painting

Marjan de Visser restoration workshop specializes in tear mending. She has followed several …

a painting

When to varnish a painting. A painting is usually re-varnished during a restoration. Especially …

picture frame

Marjan de Visser restoration studio specializes in the restoration of paintings and is skilled in small …

In the studio

Marjan de Visser restoration studio has been owned by paintings conservator Marjan de Visser since 1994. The studio is located in The Hague. Marjan works with freelancers and supervises  interns  from the Netherlands and abroad. Not only painting restoration in the studio. But also on location and abroad such as Curaçao  and Indonesia. Restoration of paintings for museums and private collections.


You can view the results of our paintings restorations by clicking here

Contact Marjan

Contact Marjan

Marjan de Visser


Do you want to know more?,
mail Marjan

Or make an appointment with Marjan
and her team

★ I like to share my knowledge of paintings and love for conservation with colleagues and clients ★

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