
collection risk management

Collection risk management for museums and heritage institutions

A good example of collection risk management is the Steamship de SS Rotterdam. For example, Marjan de Visser has set up a management and preservation plan together with the volunteers from ‘ Friends of Steamship Rotterdam. Art has been looked at and thought about preserving on a ship that is used so intensively!t!

collectie risico management
Risk management with the friends of the steamship the SS Rotterdam

value assessment

Risk management starts with a valuation of the entire or partial collections. of course in relation to the institution’s mission. Subsequently, the threats present were determined. This is the start of a step-by-step plan to limit and reduce the risks for the collection. At these small institutions or collections, management starts by drawing up condition reports. Then follows an inventory of the threats (risks) present. This is based on the 10 museum risk factors drawn up by Stephen W Michalski of the Canadian Conservation Institute, the aim is to permanently monitor the conditions.

★ I like to share my knowledge of paintings and love for conservation with colleagues and clients ★

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