
art courier services

Art courier services by Marjan de Visser Restoration Studio

marjan de visser

Art courier services by conservators like Marjan de Visser. As they knows better than anyone that art transport is taking risks. That is why restorers are often called in by museums as art courier. Marjan de Visser also offers art courier services accompanying paintings from ‘nail to nail’ on loan

foreign art courier services

art courier

dismantling exhibition KUMU Museum Tallinn

Marjan de Visser accompanied multiple means of transport for Fondation Constant. Because the journey first went to Berlin. Then to Milan. Finally to the last venue in Tallinn. The concern was for very fragile metal construction. The object is called ‘Two Towers’. This courier service was commissioned for the exhibition ‘Desire for Freedom’. 

In the same year, Marjan de Visser wrote nine reports for the Zuiderzee Museum for various works of art on paper, ship models, and tile pictures for the exhibition ‘The space of interaction’. in the State Museum on Red Square in Moscow. This special collaboration arose from the Netherlands-Russia year 2013.

In 2013 the Cobra Museum sent works of art from its Cobra collection to Fort Lauderdale in Miami for the exhibition ‘ Spirit of CoBrA’, Marjan wrote the condition report for artwork and determined the packaging.

overige kunstkoerier diensten

De Lakenhal designed the exhibition ‘Utopia’ in 2013 with contributions from the ‘Ploeg collection’ of the Groninger Museum, Marjan checked the condition on location.
‘Meer macht’  was on display in Museum de Fundatie in Zwolle from March to 17 August 2014. Marjan de Visser provided courier service for works of art from the collection of the Constant Foundation
At the same time as the exhibition, the publishing house Atheneum Polak and Van Gennep by Hans den Hartog Jager will publish the book Het streven, (The Strive) Illustrated, 224 pages. Price €23.99.
Groninger Museum in Groningen
Fondation Constant
Zuiderzee Museum in Enkhuizen
Cobra Museum in Amstelveen
Kranenburg, Culturele Buitenplaats in Bergen
Museum de Fundatie in Zwolle
Rijks Museum Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
Singer Museum Laren
and private individuals
★ I like to share my knowledge of paintings and love for conservation with colleagues and clients ★

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