Professional association and ethical code
Marjan de Visser, professional association and ethical code; Restauratoren Nederland, ICOM-CC and BAPCR of painting restoration and conservation

Marjan de Visser is an active member of two conservators association. First the Dutch Restorers in the Netherlands. (Restauratoren Nederland). This membership therefore also means that the work is carried out in accordance with the general terms and conditions drawn up by Restauratoren Nederland. It also guarantees that all restorers thereby carry out their work according to the guidelines of the ECCO code. This code contains the rules and intentions regarding the responsibility of the restorers for the artwork to be treated.
Marjan is treasurer for Restauratoren Nederland, since 2020 and edits articles for the for the digital newspaper ‘Au Courant’. She is part of the committy ‘education’ for the Restorers Register (RR) .
Restorers Association and Au Courant

Other memberships
Marjan de Visser is also a member of the ICOM CC, the International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation. She is a member of BAPCR, The British Association of Paintings Conservators. In this way, she guarantees the etical code of restoration and conservation.
Professional association and ethical code is an important aspect of being an conservator restorer of art and heritage.