
Der Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber

Der Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber
Der Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber

´Der Trecker´ developed by W. Heiber, was introduced to me by Ulrike Fischer researcher at the Doerner institute Munchen during the workshop TEAR BONDING given at the SRAL (Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg) May 2011. Der Trecker was invented by Winfried Heiber for bringing together the edges of tears.  And it really does this well as I experienced during this workshop.  

How to make your own Puller

I made it a challenge to make one myself. With the collaboration of my brother-in-law who is a plater and my colleague Susan Smelt we produced 4 Treckers. Susan and I made the strips of webbing.

Der Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber
Der Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber
Der Trecker (THE PULLER)
Making your own Trecker (THE PULLER) developed by W. Heiber
★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag met collega’s en opdrachtgevers ★

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